Calendar of meetings of the Warriors of Mary group Dąbrowa Górnicza
18.09.2022 r. Sosnowiec March for Life and the Family - 15.00
Place: Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ul. Wniebowzięcia NMP Cathedral, Sosnowiec, ul. Kościelna 1 (square in front of the Catholic House)
from 14:30 ............. distribution of march packages
15:00 .................... Divine Mercy Chaplet (Sosnowiec Cathedral)
15:15 ..................... exit from cathedral square
16:00 .................... Entrance to the square next to the church of St. Raphael Kalinowski
16:15 - 19:00...... family festival (games, competitions and games for the whole family; refreshments and thirst quenchers)